Our performance and our data do not come from nothing.
They are the result of years of scientific experiments carried out by scientists of the National Research Council in Milan, an internationally recognized scientific institution.
And laboratories, where the measurement instruments for Vetroventilato® are, can be visited upon request.
The National Research Council is the greatest research public body of Italy. It was founded on November 18 of 1923; in 1945, it became a public body. It has mainly carried out training, promotion and research coordination activities in every scientific and technological sector. It is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).
CNR has more than 8200 employees of whom more than 4 thousand researchers active in almost 100 Institutes, working in the main fields of scientific and humanistic research. In addition to these ones there are more than 3000 junior scientists completing their training at CNR. This patrimony of human resources, ideas and knowledge makes CNR, in terms of publications, one of the major contributors to Italian scientific production, with a respected position in the international context.
To perform research in its own labs both promoting innovation and competitiveness of the industrial system and providing technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs. To promote the internationalization of the research system; to advise the Government and other public bodies on strategic themes for the Country and the collectivity; to contribute to the qualification of human resources. These are the strategic points of the mission of CNR (Italian National Research Council), whose aims can be summed up by the Eighty five projects on acquired strategic subjects such as Energy & Transportation, Earth & Environment, Agriculture & Food, Medicine, Life Sciences, Molecular Design, Materials & Devices, Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Information and Communication Technologies, Cultural Identity, Cultural heritage which are the tasks in which the Italian National Research Council is engaged. Cooperation with Universities and industrial companies is a systematic choice with the general aim of “creating value for the Country by competences through scientific research“.